3dsMaxのFloor GeneratorをMayaで使うを考察

3dsMaxのFloor generatorをMayaで実行(import)しています。
インテリアにおけるFloorの色合いのランダムさを表現する3ds MaxのフリーシェーダーMULTI TEXTURE MAPを、Maya上で作り出すことができなかったため、UVを再度展開して12K(12000

Because I was not able to produce free shader for 3ds Max(Multi texture map) that was represented the randomness color in the interior Floor in Maya.
So I drew the texture of about 12K (12000pix × 12000pix) again.
I thought that I use Remap HSV node of Maya.I made the prototype.
I think you can be resolved by using the rand() function in Mel command, etc. in the case of complex Floor. It is probably easily.
I would rather draw to a texture than develop your own UI.



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